Wow! What a Christmas this was! I have had several timely, direct answers to prayers through the service of my dear friends and family. December started with me worrying how in the world I was going to come up with gas money to meet all my service obligations at Temple Square with my unemployment benefits ending. If I had to wait for Congress to vote on extended unemployment benefits, I could possibly be dead before they finished that task. I felt profoundly depressed for a few moments, contemplating the lack of meaningful action in Washington DC. I then walked out to my mailbox and promptly found an anonymous gift of $100 addressed to me, certainly enough to cover my transportation expenses. I have lived long enough to know that I do not live on Kolob time, so blessings often don't arrive at the time I expect them. But what an exception this was! Why do I ever worry about such things? The Lord assigned me the service at Temple Square so why wouldn't He provide a way for me to fulfill the obligations? Why do I even bother to waste my time worrying about such trivial things? Two weeks after my unemployment benefits ended, Congress actually did vote them back in. Heavenly Father even inspires politicians...
Just when we think we're all alone, Heavenly Father taps us on the shoulder and reminds us He was there the whole time!
All your blog posts are so inspiring, what a gifted writer you are! Thank you for sharing these experiences!
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